Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Belajar Satelit - Verifikasi - Running the Procedures

"Prosedur Verifikasi" Apakah ini?
Prosedur verifikasi ini adalah langkah langkah instruksi untuk melaksanakan pengetesan:
kuncinya :
- Be Through : Just Follow the procedure... ikutin aja panduannya
- Be Flexible : Prosedur mungkin memerlukan update on the fly karena nemunya waktu tes, ya udah catet dan sempurnakan on the fly... jangan terlalu kaku dan langsung berhenti.

Ketika ketemu anomali :
- Stop, safety first.. amankan perangkat dan amankan diri kita
- Check...  pastikan sampai dengan anomali ditemukan, seluruh prosedur tidak ada yg terlongkapi
- Ikuti petunjuk-petunjuk bila ada terkait problem handling
- lakukan criticallity assestment

Jika kita melakukan ketidak sengajaan (Oooops I did it)/ Mishaps yang berdampak pada test, segera identifikasi dampak dan severity incident ini. apakah dianggap sebagai anomali atau sebagai laporan misconduct yang terpisah dengan resolution yang kita buat tambahan prosedurnya...

Terkadang bebberapa issues bisa diabaikan karena  "Hoki" perlu dicatat juga hal-hal hoki ini....

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Thursday, October 14, 2010

UPS (You Pee Es). Why its important

What people have to know about UPS....

Many pronounce it "ups", but most of the literature seems to favor "you pee ess", since they use "a UPS" instead of "an UPS". This document will try to follow the literature. Neither pronunciation will get you laughed at by those who are experienced in the field.

Today, I have a duty from my office to monitor new application which should be installed in our remote site. When I was visitting some remote locations, there were some fact that I found there. actually some remote branchs are not equipped with UPS equipment to protect their electricity equipment. they are not too care because they still don't realize how important UPS for IT Equipment.

long time ago people can work without using IT Equipment that need electricity. but now can we make it?We still can work without a lamp, but when we are using telecommunication and Computer equipment to support our job. then why dont we give an attention for the equipment we have.

Why UPS?
UPS has internal batteries to guarantee that continuous power is provided to the equipment even if the power source stops providing power. Of course the UPS can only provide power for a while, typically a few minutes, but that is often enough to ride out power company glitches or short outages. Even if the outage is longer than the battery lifetime of the UPS, this provides the opportunity to execute an orderly shutdown of the equipment. Advantages:
  1. Computer jobs don't stop because the power fails.
  2. Users not inconvenienced by computer shutting down.
  3. Equipment does not incur the stress of another (hard) power cycle.
  4. Data isn't lost because a machine shut down without doing a "sync" or equivalent to flush cached or real time data.
UPS traditionally can perform the following functions:
  1. Absorb relatively small power surges.
  2. Smooth out noisy power sources.
  3. Continue to provide power to equipment during line sags.
  4. Provide power for some time after a blackout has occurred.
In addition, some UPS or UPS/software combinations provide the following functions:
  1. Automatic shutdown of equipment during long power outages.
  2. Monitoring and logging of the status of the power supply.
  3. Display the Voltage/Current draw of the equipment.
  4. Restart equipment after a long power outage.
  5. Display the voltage currently on the line.
  6. Provide alarms on certain error conditions.
  7. Provide short circuit protection.

There are basically three different types of devices, all of which are occasionally passed off as UPSes.

  1. Standby power supply (SPS). In this type of supply, power is usually derived directly from the power line, until power fails. After power failure, a battery powered inverter turns on to continue supplying power. Batteries are charged, as necessary, when line power is available. This type of supply is sometimes called an "offline" UPS.

    The quality and effectiveness of this class of devices varies considerably; however, they are generally quite a bit cheaper than "true" UPSes. The time required for the inverter to come on line, typically called the switchover time, varies by unit. While some computers may be able to tolerate long switchover times, your mileage may vary. [ Some articles in the trade press have claimed that their testing shows that modern PCs can withstand transfer times of 100ms or more. Most UPS units claim a transfer time to battery of about 4ms. Note that even if a computer can stay up for 100ms, it doesn't mean that 100ms switchover is okay. Damage can still be done to a computer or data on it even if it stays up. ]

    Other features to look for in this class of supplies is line filtering and/or other line conditioners. Since appliances connected to the supply are basically connected directly from the power line, SPSes provide relatively poor protection from line noise, frequency variations, line spikes, and brownouts.

    [Some SPSes claim to have surge/spike suppression circuitry as well as transformers to "boost" voltage without switching to the battery if a modest voltage drop occurs. Often, as a "standby" UPS becomes more featureful it is called a "line interactive" UPS.

  2. Hybrid [ or ferroresonant ] UPS systems. I only know one vendor who sells them - Best Power, Inc. [ Now called Eaton Powerware. Note that Powerware also sells line interactive and online UPSes. ] The theory behind these devices is fairly simple. When normal operating line power is present, the supply conditions power using a ferroresonant transformer. This transformer maintains a constant output voltage even with a varying input voltage and provides good protection against line noise. The transformer also maintains output on its secondary briefly when a total outage occurs. Best claims that their inverter then goes on line so quickly that it is operating without any interruption in power. Other UPS vendors maintain that the transition is less than seamless, but then again it's not in their best interest to promote Best's products.

    [ Note: According to some sources, ferroresonant transformers in an UPS system can interact with ferroresonant transformers in your equipment's power supply and produce unexpected results. On the other hand, ferroresonant UPS systems don't kick off a lot of heat, which is important in some environments. The Moral: Test equipment to make sure it meets your needs before you buy. -npc ]

  3. What I call "true" UPS systems, those supplies that continuously operate from an inverter. Obviously, there is no switchover time, and these supplies generally provide the best isolation from power line problems. The disadvantages to these devices are increased cost, increased power consumption, and increased heat generation. Despite the fact that the inverter in a "true" UPS is always on, the reliability of such units does not seem to be affected. In fact, we have seen more failures in cheaper SPS units. [ Note, though, that given the same quality inverter, you'd expect the one that runs least to last longest. These devices are often called "online" UPSes. ]

here i have a reference website which can open your eyes how UPS are very important equipment nowadays:

Sunday, October 10, 2010

QDBSRV Jobs - AS/400 Sys Admin have to know

In AS/400 system.

Recently there was a indexing job automatically run under
QDBSRV** Subsystem to index the production PF. (During day time where user do data entry ). We can see it from WRKACTJOB command. It normally take up a very high CPU % when the index start rebuilt.

are there a way to minimize the impact of rebuilding access paths after a restore object with logical ?
Yes, best way to protect of- to save files with access path (ACCPTH(*YES)) In this case IMHO at RST-operations QDBSRV... job activity will be at minimum.

How about if you decide to deleted the file to stop indexing job QDBSRV*?
the problem is you cannot delete logical file which already running. you have to stop the QDBSRV job at first.

Can you stop QDBSRV using command endjob? I suggest not to do this.

then how? is there anyway to stop indexing and delete the logical file?
Yes. By entering the following command, EDTRBDAP - Edit Rebuild of Access Paths. You can hold access path rebuild, then change rebuild to happen at file into *OPN. state. by changing state into *OPN, The access path is rebuilt when the file is next opened. keep in mind that your goal is to delete the logical file and also physical file after LF are completely deleted.

then do deletion for the logical file, next physical file

have fun, keep smiling, and have a nice day.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Testimoni Koneksi Internet

Hari ini gw libur, muncul deh iseng. kemaren iseng pengen browsing dr rumah pake modem pinjeman tp ga ada kartu perdananya. nah iseng2 beli perdana xl unlimited 15rb krn ada paket free internet unlimited 2 hari.

mantabs juga tu koneksi xl ternyata stabil di 15 KBps untuk download2. lancar dan lumayan lah bisa ngenet sana sini. trus emg sengaja sih ane mikir2 wah klo utk 1-2 hari ni XL murah, tapi klo buat pake sebulan kayaknya boros deh, secara hariannya 10rb perhari utk 20MB paket data. weleh lah sehari aja ane konek udah hampir 60MB, untung ni paket xl free 2 hari unlimited tanpa ada penurunan speed.

akhirnya hari itu juga ane browsing2 utk beli paket vpn sebagaimana yang banyak ditawarkan di forum terbesar di indonesia yaitu ka*k* singkat cerita sempet speak2 sama yang jualan, trus diguide ini itu. wah ternyata ribet banget gan pake vpn. mesti ini itu itu ini cape deh. trus mesti daftar mobinit* pula kartunya harus si merah. aaaaah ribeeet

akhirnya gw mutusin utk cari yang mau jual modem second smart. soalnya gw pernah pake smart pinjem punya kk sepupu emg manteb bgt, koneksi nyaman kenceng dan murah. browse2 ternyata nemu juga di ka*k*s. emang top dah FJBnya lengkap abis. dari yang jual a sampe z ada semua.

langsung pm yang mau jual, setelah sepakat harga kita janji ketemuan COD di deket rumah, kebetulan yang punya kuliahnya dideket rumah juga kampusnya. jadi sekalian.

langsung gw tes bro, alhasil koneksinya ga mengecewakan, lebih kenceng drpd si xl unlimited tadi. whuzz whuzz tes donlot speednya sampe >600 Kbps, kata yang punya tu dia langganan yg paket platinum dan baru abis tgl 6 okt minggu depan. yah sudahlah transaksipun terjadi dan gw bawa pulang nih modem.

sekarang rasanya puas pake smart. semoga smart senantiasa mempertahankan kualitas service internetnya bahkan klo bisa ditingkatkan dengan tetap tak lupa hemat selalu.

Pesan saya, pengen koneksi cepet yang ga ribet dan tetep hemat ya pilih smart.

sorry gw bukan karyawan smart hanya customer yang puas aja.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Ledakan di Marriot dan Ritz Carlton Hotel

Ledakan besar kembali terjadi di Hotel J.W. Marriott dan Hotel Ritz Carlton Jakarta. Ledakan terjadi sekitar pukul 07.55 WIB. Ledakan ternyata terjadi dua kali. Ledakan pertama sangat keras sedangkan yang kedua lebih kecil.

Jumat, 17/07/2009 09:56 WIB
Polisi Pastikan Ledakan di Ritz Carlton & Marriott Adalah Bom
Indra Subagja - detikNews
Jakarta - Polisi memastikan bila ledakan yang terjadi di Hotel JW Marriot dan Hotel Ritz Carlton akibat bom. Tapi belum bisa dipastikan apakah jenis low explosive atau high explosive.

"Kita bisa melihat dari akibatnya," kata Kabid Humas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Chrysnanda saat dihubungi melalui telepon, Jumat (17/7/2009).

Saat ini petugas sedang melakukan penyelidikan di lokasi. Puslabfor masih melakukan olah tempat kejadian perkara (TKP).

"Masih sedang diselidiki dan masih identifikasi," terangnya.

info uptodate cek di

Sunday, September 28, 2008

27 Ramadhan (2008) Sang PEmbawa Virus

Hari ini setelah beberapa hari off blogging karena kesibukan kantor de el el, aku baru sempet bisa blog lagi. di Hari ini juga aku gak puasa. Eit jangan suuzon dulu, aku ga puasa ada sebabnya.

Begini ceritanya.
Pagi itu 26 Ramadhan aku masih puasa, tapi koq rasanya mataku berat banget. tapi ditidurin gak mau merem2. hmm ini persis kayak tanda2 aku mau sakit demam berdarah dulu. akhirnya kuputuskan utk tetap berguling aja di kamarku.

Ba'da zuhur kusempatkan ketempat omku utk memenuhi janjiku kepada adik sepupuku untuk instalin aplikasi biar bisa membuat pdf document. kucari-cari software di katalog mobile diskku tapi gak nemu juga. akhirnya kuputuskan utk download aja software gratisan yang lumayan handal yaitu primo pdf. tepat selesai setengah jam sebelum buka. adikku langsung kumpul tugasnya via internet. wow, hebat yah anak smu sekarang tugasnya ngumpul via internet dan mesti lebih kreatif karena gurunya udah kayak dosen. gak mau tau gimana caranya tapi dia mau tugas dikumpul tepat waktu dengan format sesuai dengan keinginan si guru itu. Wow. keren gak tu. tapi sayangnya sepertinya ga semua anak yang kreatif, lebuh banyak yang minta bantuin orang tuanya buat selesaiin tugasnya.

sampe si ortu kadang2 bela2in bayar mahal ke teknisi komputer buat wujudin keinginan anaknya. Hmm what accelerated that we get.

kembali ke laptop,
setelah berbuka, aku langsung pamit pulang utk istirahat karena mataku masih terasa berat banget.
pulang kerumah coba tuk tidur. tapi apa yang terjadi, ni mata gak mau ngantuk juga. sampe sahur rasanya cuma panas. sahurnya, aku ketempat omku lagi seperti biasanya ditelpon disuruh sahur disana. aku jalan dengan langkah berat karena mataku masih berat. sampe disana aku mulai sahur. setelah sahur aku minta tolong adik sepupuku ngerokin. lumayan entenglah. kira2 beberapa saat adikku bilang "Kak koq ada bintil2 merah sih ini apa ya, klo kepencet keluar airnya", aku pun langsung terkenang sama temen kantorku yang kena cacar air. wah aku kena cacar nih gawat.......

paginya tanteku dari bekasi langsung dateng ke rumah trus maksain aku utk ke dokter. sampe di dokter ternyata bener diagnosanya aku kena cacar.......... waaaaaaaaaaaaa kacau padahal aku banyak rencana hari ini, aku banyak rencana minggu ini.......

Kutanya Dok, cacar biasanya berapa lama? dijawab ya macem2 pak ada yang 3 hari, ada yang seminggu ada yang sebulan. waaaa OmiGod......berantakan sudah. truws kutanya lagi Dok, cacar tuh gakboleh kena angin ya?
kata bu Dokter " Mas, cacar itu gak boleh kena angin karena virusnya menular. klo kena angin orang2 disekitar mas berpotensi kena cacar juga". "OOOO gitu bu dokter. siplah klo gitu aku akan berusaha memenuhi semua tugasku hari ini dan minggu depan dengan ijin dulu klo seumpama orang yang mau kudatangi takut kena cacar aku gak akan dateng, hehehe

DAn tebak saudara-saudara hari ini aku sempet belanja utk MLM yang kujalani, sempet ke airport nemui ortu bacuku.

tp dengan ijin tentunya bahwa aku sekarang menjadi Sang PEmbawa Virus